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Access Tokens

In any IoT application, one major functionality required is to visualize data and interact with devices from client applications. It can be any mobile application or web dashboard. An additional security layer is also necessary to make sure that users are not able to access devices which they are not entitled to. With most IoT systems, it is required to build data handling APIs that authenticate users and provide data on request. This not only increases development headaches but also eats up considerable server resources. Not anymore with Anedya!

Anedya's Access Tokens make data handling and authentication easy by creating temporary client credentials. You can hand over these credentials to your clients and they can get data directly by contacting Anedya APIs, while you don't need to develop, manage and scale any data handling APIs. This not only improves the latency for client applications but also makes development significantly faster allowing your app developers to work with a ready set of APIs with a vast ecosystem of tools.